Friday, January 25, 2013

Lloyd Davies Penis Polka Men's Room Band

(Lennon/McCartney/Lloyd's owner

It was 38 years ago today,
Ray Davies taught Lloyd to be gay,
He's been going in and out of bathroom stalls,
Lloyd guarantees to even lick your balls,
So may I introduce to you
The queer we've known all these years
Lloyd Davies Penis Polka Men's Room Band...
Lloyd Davies Penis Polka Men's Room band,
He hopes you will enjoy his fellatio,
Lloyd Davies Penis Polka Men's Room band,
Sit back and enjoy his fellatio
Lloyd Davies Penis Polka,
Lloyd Davies Penis Polka,
Lloyd Davies Penis Polka Men's Room band
Lloyd thinks it's wonderful to be queer,
It's certainly a thrill,
He's such a dirty jew pedophile,
Lloyd would like to take kids home with him,
He'd like to take little boys home
Lloyd really don't want to stop his fellatio,
As much as he likes to blow,
But Newsgay's going to sing his whining song,
And he'd love for you to whine along
So let me introduce to you
The one and only Newsgay
Lloyd Davies Penis Polka Men's Room band....

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